The word “Bahoriston” in the translation from Persian means “Kingdom of Spring”.
Bahoriston located at the coast of Kairakkum reservoir, in 25 km away from the city Khujand, the administrative center of the Sughd region of Tajikistan. In the past the city called Leninabad.
From the ancient times the coastal side of the river Syrdarya is famous with its unique nature. This river is one the largest rivers of the Central Asia. Its length is 2212 kilometers, and it crosses through several countries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
From Tajik/Persian language “Syrdarya” means a “Mystic River”. People tell legends around its stern temper. In some places the river has two layers of water with different flow speed. But the most amazing part is that the water in the river is made of melted mountain snows and glaciers. After all, Tajikistan is the mountainous country, 93% of its area consists of mountains.
There is abundance of fish in Syrdarya thanks to its ecological cleanness. Commercial species are common carp, shemaya, snakehead, pike, barbel, bream, bighead carp, pike, perch, and of course catfish.After fishing on Syrdarya, avid fishermen never stop admiring the beauty of the river, and the lovely time spent on the bank. Average weight of fishing the catch is 3-5 kg.
Kairakkum reservoir was built in mid-50th on the sandy steppes during all-union construction of the hydropower plant “Druzhba narodov”(Friendship of people). Due to damming the river Syrdarya a huge artificial reservoir was reemerged. In numbers Kairakkum reservoir looks impressive enough, the length 55 km, width 20 km, deepest point 25 meters, and the total volume of water makes 4.2 km3. The length of dam is 1205 meters, and the height – 32 meters.
After formation of this reservoir, the nature of its surroundings acquired unique purity and maritime climate. There are many beach areas, and bathing places along the coastal side of the reservoir. There are also located many fruit orchards. The artificial reservoir became a new ecosystem of the region, waters rich with different species of fish (pike, carp, catfish, perch, bream and other), and this place became a stopover site for migratory birds, that every year migrate from north Asia to India other countries.
During the Soviet era Kairakkum resort was a favorite place for holidays of soviet people. Many workers from different parts of USSR would come to recover and recreate their health. Particularly the large numbers of guests were people from Ural and Siberia of Russian Federation, because of strong economic ties between these regions with Sughd region.
More than 60 years passed since that time. Hydro power plant “Druzhba narodov” still operates and gives electricity to the houses of hardworking people of Tajikistan, and the Kairakkum resorts became truly a heavenly place.

After reconstruction and improvement of the territory the former holiday home “Kairakkum” was reformed to the sanatorium “Bahoriston” and in March 2011 opened again its doors to the guests. The opening ceremony was attended by president of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who personally cut the ribbon of the new health resort in the north of Tajikistan.
The founder of sanatorium National bank of Tajikistan has spent a lot of money and effort to create one of the best resorts of the country. Everyone who has visited sanatorium “Bahoriston” say that founders of this place put their soul and love into it. Vivid and lovely territory of 22 hectares, wonderful infrastructure, high quality of service, modern medical diagnostics give joy, and amazing holidays to thousand holidaymakers from Tajikistan, Russia, Kirgizstan, Kazakhstan and other countries.